The Dollstone Collection - "Meredith with Jacqueline...Daisy Chain" Title: "Meredith with Jacqueline...Daisy Chain" The Victorian Series, No. 4 Edition/Pc#: 5E/2409 Style#: 3541 Measurements: 4" Year: 1998 Material: Cold case resin Condition: Used - Excellent Vintage Condition / Original Box Not Included
The Dollstone Collection - "Kelly and Company... The Bear Collector" Title: "Kelly and Company... The Bear Collector" The Limited Edition Series, No. 4 Limited Edition January1, 1999 to December 31, 1999 Edition/Pc#: January# C1127 Style#: 3542 Measurements: 3.5" Year: 1999 Material: Cold case resin Condition: Used - Excellent Vintage Condition / Original Box Not Included
The Dollstone Collection - "Stephanie with Jim...School Days" I Wanna Be Series, No. 12 Title: "Stephanie with Jim...School Days" Edition/Pc#: 7E/3143 Style#: 3540 Measurements: 4" Year: 1998 Material: Cold case resin Condition: Used - Excellent Vintage Condition / Original Box Not Included
The Folkstone Collection - "Love Conquers All Things - Angel" Title: "Love Conquers All Things" Edition/Pc#: 3E/3372 Style#: 2821 Measurements: Height 7" approx. Year: 1994 Material: Cold case resin Condition: Excellent Vintage Condition / Original Box Not Included
Boyds Bearly - Built Villages - "The Public Libeary" Accessories Include: Boyds Bearly – Built Villages – “The Public Libeary “Ms. Griz, Bailey, York” (19506-1) The Boyds Town Village #6 Title: "The Public Libeary" Edition/Pc#: 4E/2249 Style#: 19006-0 Measurements: Year: 2000 Material: Cold case resin Condition: Excellent Vintage Condition / original box included
The Bearstone Collection - "Lydia...Shower of Roses" Title: "Lydia...Shower of Roses" Edition/Pc#: 4E/1042 Style#: 27755 Measurements: Height 3" approx. Year: 2000 Material: Cold case resin Condition: Excellent Vintage Condition / Original Box Not Included
Boyds Bears & Friends - "Jeremy as Noah… The Ark Builder" Noah's Ark Series #1 Title: "Jeremy as Noah… The Ark Builder" Edition/Pc#: 6E/5536 Style#: 2426 Measurements: 3" approx. Year: 1999 Material: Cold case resin Condition: Excellent Vintage Condition / original box not included
The Bearstone Collection - "Mrs. Tuttle...Stop and Smell The Roses" Title: "Mrs. Tuttle...Stop and Smell The Roses" Edition/Pc#: 26E/1634 Style#: 228315 Measurements: 3" approx. Year: 1999 Material: Cold case resin Condition: Used - Excellent Vintage Condition / Original Box Not Included
The Dollstone Collection - "Lara w/Peary...Moscow at Midnight" Title: "Lara w/Peary...Moscow at Midnight" Victorian Series, No. 5 Edition/Pc#: 4E/87 Style#: 3564 Measurements: 4.5" Year: 2000 Material: Cold case resin Condition: Used - Excellent Vintage Condition / Original Box Not Included