The Bearstone Collection - "Annie, Tex, Jack and Chip...Shuffle Up and Deal" Title: "Annie, Tex, Jack and Chip...Shuffle Up and Deal" Edition/Pc#: 4E/339 Style#: 2277965 Measurements: 3.5" approx. Year: 2005 Material: Cold case resin Condition: Used - Excellent Vintage Condition / Original Box Included
The Bearstone Collection - "Tootsenwihistle with Marjorie Marchalong… One Bear Band" Limited Edition January 1, 2000 to December 31, 2000 Title: "Tootsenwihistle with Marjorie Marchalong… One Bear Band" Edition/Pc#: May# 9955 Style#: 227806 Measurements: 4" approx. Year: 1999 Material: Cold case resin Condition: Used - Excellent Vintage Condition / Original Box Included
The Bearstone Collection - "Momma Berriproud with Jamie… Seize the Day" Title: "Momma Berriproud with Jamie… Seize the Day" Edition/Pc#: 1E/5765 Style#: 227755 Measurements: 4" approx. Year: 2000 Material: Cold case resin Condition: Used - Excellent Vintage Condition / Original Box Included
Boyds Bears & Friends - "Christian By The Sea" Title: "Christian By The Sea" Edition/Pc#: 1E/527 Style#: 2012 Measurements: 3” approx. Year: 1993 Material: Cold case resin Condition: Excellent Vintage Condition / original box included
The Bearstone Collection - "Ross with Betsy... Everybody Loves a Parade" Title: "Ross with Betsy... Everybody Loves a Parade" Edition/Pc#: 1E/274 Style#: 227809PO Measurements: 4" approx. Year: 2001 Material: Cold case resin Condition: Used - Excellent Vintage Condition / Original Box Included
The Bearstone Collection - "Blade Hattrick… He Shoots, He Scores" Title: "Blade Hattrick… He Shoots, He Scores" Edition/Pc#: 5E/4619 Style#: 228357 Measurements: 4" approx. Year: 2001 Material: Cold case resin Condition: Used - Excellent Vintage Condition / Original Box Included