The Dollstone Collection - "Rebecca with Elliot...Birthday!" Title: "Rebecca with Elliot...Birthday!" Edition/Pc#: 5E/232 Style#: 3509 Measurements: Height 3.5" approx. Year: 1995 Material: Cold case resin Condition: Excellent Vintage Condition / Original Box Not Included
The Dollstone Collection - "Rebecca with Elliot...Birthday!" Title: "Rebecca with Elliot...Birthday!" Edition/Pc#: 4E/3914 Style#: 3509 Measurements: Height 3.5" approx. Year: 1995 Material: Cold case resin Condition: Excellent Vintage Condition / Original Box Not Included
The Dollstone Collection - "Rebecca with Elliot...Birthday!" Title: "Rebecca with Elliot...Birthday!" Edition/Pc#: 2E/1805 Style#: 3509 Measurements: Height 3.5" approx. Year: 1995 Material: Cold case resin Condition: Excellent Vintage Condition / Original Box Not Included